Hello Everyone!
Today's post is about making The Last Mimzy bento!

Today's post is about making The Last Mimzy bento!
I wanted to make the rabbit doll from the film (right). I figured my best bet would be using sticky rice, molding it with cling-wrap. If you've never worked with sticky rice before, it is hard to mold with just your fingers because it sticks to them, even if you wet them with salt water (it wears off).
But nothing sticks to cling-wrap!!! This makes cling wrap the perfect tool. Start by spooning the amount of rice you think you'll need onto a piece of cling-wrap. Then wrap it up and start pushing and squeezing it in various ways to mold it (kind of like clay).
The rice ball on the left is the head. The spooned rice will become the body. After you finish molding the whole rabbit it should look something like this:
You can either finish the rabbit or store the parts and work on it right before you plan to eat (I stored mine). To add the brown and white fur I laid the parts out on a plate and put soy sauce using an eyedropper, leaving some parts white like the bunny in the picture. I cut the face features, toes and fingers out of nori.
Difficulty rating: 7 for soy - sauce dropping, shaping, Nori details and time (do in advance to refrigerate cling-wrap items so they hold well).